About Frankie
Frankie Kuo is a strategy communications designer, who uses both her skills of synthesizing an unusually wide range of information and her visual design capabilities to make the world more inspiring and connected.
Her communication design practice is a repeating experiment focusing on creating a cognitive middle ground — through visual activation — where parties from different “sides” of a “message” may arrive, be inspired, be connected, and briefly experience the coexistence of alternative values, alternative truths.
She will first and foremost tell you that she is from New York, and that her roots are in Taipei, but she also has strong ties with the people and developing culture of Shanghai. Nobody gets her origin right on the first guess, and she believes that is an important part of her identity. It adds to the richness of her design practice, and her abilities to formulate unexpected strategies for achieving the communications goals.
Her Pratt thesis investigates the methods of maintaining a fluid performative identity that her fellow Third Culture background friends have employed as they grew up multi-cultural-and-nationally.