
Design a one pager layout for a visualizing our latest finds about smart contract scams. Feel free to add, remove, expand, minimize or change elements as you see fit, don't be afraid to be creative and play with the data.

Strategy/Analysis/Research/Graphic Design

Solidus Labs

The goal of the infographic is to be Solidus’ marketing material that both exposes potential clients to the threat and present Solidus’ product capabilities and offerings. The keys are to create a sense of urgency while at the same time showing a “halo” of light illuminating the company’s capabilities in protecting against the urgent threat.

With research, I identified Solidus’ brand strategy visually highlights its technological approach and providing multi-dimensional protection on web3. This feeds into the decision of creating an integrated graphic that is complex.

Similarly, further research is conducted on the 12 monitored Block Chains’ respective market shares in order to create a wholistic picture that visualizes the relative size of detected threats.